Any beach, underwater theme parties out there? How about making your own salt dough garland.
What You Need:
- Salt Dough: Mix 2 Cups All-Purpose Flour, 1 Cup Salt, and 3/4 to 1 Cup of Water
- Jute or Heavy Twine
- Toothpicks
How You Make It:
- Take a chunk of the dough and roll it into a ball. Onto a lightly floured surface (to prevent sticking), use hands to flatten ball.
- Once you have your circle of dough, use a toothpick to press marks into the dough where the arms of the starfish will be
- Remove dough between markings and use hands to round and shape the starfish form.
- Use toothpick to make long indentation in center of each leg and to poke small holes up and down arms of starfish.
- Poke hole in top of starfish (we used the non-pointy end of a ball point pen).
- Let dry, either by allowing to air dry, or by baking in a 200 degree oven for several hours until hardened.
- Once dried and cooled, apply coat of acrylic sealant.
- Tie small loop through hole at top of starfish with jute so the stafish will hang flat when suspended.
- String starfish on strand of jute to make garland.
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